“Just Do The Next Right Thing”

January means resolution time, and whether you go the traditional self improvement route or follow my advice and take the “fun resolutions only” path, there’s a good chance you’ve set yourself some big goals for 2013.

Which is awesome. And really daunting.

Where do you start?

At this time of year, I’m always reminded of my good friend Vinay Kumar‘s advice: “Just do the next right thing.”

Your resolution may involve 100 steps. You don’t have to know step 99 right now. All you have to know is step 1.

To quote Neo:

I didn’t come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it’s going to begin.

What step will you take today to start your journey?

Meme Time: Changing the World in 2012

Maddie Grant has thrown down the gauntlet of the first meme challenge (that I’m aware of) of 2012: How am I going to change the world in 2012?

The responses are already starting. I particularly like Jeffrey Cufaude‘s reframing of the problem: start by changing your own world and maybe you’ll be able to change THE world.

What’s my answer?

I’ve long believed that when the same thing keeps popping up for you over and over, you should probably start paying attention, since clearly the universe is tapping you on the shoulder.

What’s been tapping me on the shoulder lately?

Diversity and inclusion.

First there was Joe Gerstandt‘s amazing Fly Your Freak Flag session at ASAE11.

Then Jeffrey Cufaude wrote a fantastic blog post that drew a ton of comments and that, rumor has it, is about to appear as a full lengthe article in an upcoming issue of Associations Now.

Those two inspired this post.

Then I had the chance to meet the amazing Constance Thompson from ASCE at the October idea swap, which also provided food for thought and, with a little luck, a session at an upcoming ASAE conference.

Then, of course, the calendar year ended with this.

How *are* we doing on D&I in associations? Short answer? Not well.

And I can’t change that by myself. And neither can you.

But I can light one candle. And so can you. So that’s what I’m going to do: do what’s in my power to shine a spotlight on diversity and inclusion and where we fail and how we can pick ourselves back up and try again.