Associations, Apprenticeships, and the “Toolbelt Generation”

leather tool belt with hammer, blue plier handles, adjustable wrench

Recently, I’ve noticed renewed attention to the role of non-collegiate post-secondary training in helping people find lucrative, productive, fulfilling work.

  • The Washington Post has reported on the need for “millions” of apprentices in careers that don’t require four-year degrees and has called for the federal government to take action, which is a very good idea and which would have significant returns on a modest investment.
  • NPR has reported on a trend in GenZ choosing trade schools over college, “skilled trades make a comeback,” and identified them as the “Toolbelt Generation.”
  • As his first executive order after taking office, Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro eliminated the unnecessary four-year degree requirement for 92% of state jobs in the commonwealth.

Alternative training and career paths are, after several decades of an almost exclusive focus on sending young people to four-year college, having a renaissance.

You know who else has a major role to play in alternative career paths and credentialing?


In 2016, Shelly Alcorn and I released a whitepaper, The Association Role in the New Education Paradigm, that predicted this trend, identifying a significant and growing gap between education and employment driven by several factors:

  • Massive disruption in higher education
  • Ballooning student loan debt (at the time, Americans held over $1.23 trillion dollars in student debt – it’s now up to $1.75 trillion)
  • Decreasing public funding for education, at both the K-12 and post-secondary levels
  • Significant disagreement about what a college education is supposed to accomplish, the value of a four-year degree, and whether or not college is properly preparing young people for the workforce

At the time,  one-third of employers reported struggling to find qualified workers. That situation has also gotten worse in the interim, with 75% of organizations world-wide now reporting that they’re struggling to find skilled workers.

Shelly and I believe that associations enjoy major advantages that make us uniquely suited to addressing these challenges:

  • Direct connection to and relationship with employers in our relative sectors
  • Experience with certification and credentialing, supplements or even alternatives to four-year degrees that are gaining popularity and respect
  • Speed and flexibility, at least in comparison to hidebound higher education
  • “Halo” effect of our nonprofit status in the marketplace versus the many shady for-profit providers
  • Experience with non-traditional students and educational settings

Want to learn more about how your association can help solve this critical societal problem while also earning non-dues revenue, doing well while doing good? Download your free copy at

Photo by jesse orrico on Unsplash