Be the Solution

Rubik's cube on a white background

Why do people associate in the first place?

We come together because we have a goal we want to achieve or a problem we want to solve that has proved resistant to individual fixes.

I was reminded of this yesterday, as I joined the first Prometheus First Tuesday conversation of 2025.

I joined the breakout room on the topic of membership marketing. One of the participants shared that his members, classroom teachers, are stressed for time and money (and other resources), so they tend to request bite-sized learning and content they can easily implement in the classroom immediately.

Sounds (relatively) easy, right?

Well, not if your customary approach to creating professional development has been to focus on traditional multi-week courses.

So we brainstormed some of ways to chop up the association’s existing PD offerings into just-in-time, highly digestible, immediately applicable chunks.

The main one? Put together a member task force to address it. They’re the experts in what pieces are most useful, what delivery formats will work, and what classroom teachers need to take away from the modules, both in terms of what they’ll learn and in terms of specific tools and techniques.

This led to a larger discussion of what it means for associations to be solution providers for members.

As Anna Caravelli and I discussed in our 2015 whitepaper, Leading Engagement from the Outside-In, what we should be after is “level four” engagement, where:

Organization is product-agnostic. It seeks a network of partners to serve customers’ needs.

Taking this perspective is both liberating – the association doesn’t have to create all the solutions for members and other audiences, but can also point people to solutions provided by other organizations – and a little scary, as the association gives up control over those solutions and invites other players into the relationship.

This is perhaps even more important in 2025 than it was in 2015, as the volume of AI-generated “slop” proliferates online.

Information has never been easier to come by, which is a serious potential problem for associations that have long positioned ourselves as primary sources for the professions and industries we serve. However, good, valid, useful, accurate information is becoming increasingly hard to find, which represents an opportunity for associations to curate solutions and information for our members and other audiences, regardless of who created those solutions and that information in the first place.

Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash

“My Members Don’t Read!”

Bronze statue of a woman reading a tablet she's holding in her right hand

Raise your hand if you’ve heard this.

Now raise your hand if you’ve SAID this.

(Everyone’s hands should be up by now.)

And we can all also relate to hearing, “I didn’t know you did X! I really need that!” from our members. ALL THE TIME.

OK, so we’ve all been complaining about this for years. Our members have no idea what we offer them. What we’re doing to educate them isn’t working.

What do we do to fix it?

I don’t claim to have the answer, but I do have some ideas about where to look:

K.I.S.S. Many of our organizations, in an attempt to be all things to all people (or due to the temptation of all that tasty, tasty non-dues revenue), have larded up our membership “benefits” with so much tangential crap that our members can’t focus on the stuff that will actually help them achieve their goals and fix their problems. Not to single out a particular industry, but while royalty revenue from your credit card program is nice, is it worth losing your members’ attention over the things that really matter to them?

Inside Voice. How much do your members need to know about the internal workings and arrangement of your association to find stuff? If the answer isn’t “zero,” you need to rethink how you present information. Your members don’t care that the professional liability insurance you offer them lives in your financial services department, which they have to access under Member Services –> Other Services –> Affinity Programs. What does “affinity program” mean anyway, if you’re, say, an instrumentation engineer, as opposed to an association membership professional? View the world from their perspective and represent your programs, products, and services accordingly.

Broadcast. Are you targeting the particular needs of particular members, or are you still broadcasting everything to everyone? Have a conference that’s for marketing directors? Why are you sending a thousand marketing messages to CEOs? They’re tuning you out, and the next time you launch your CEO salary survey, they aren’t going to be listening. “But our AMS…” “But our bulk mail client…” No buts. Learn what your members are interested in AS INDIVIDUALS, track it, and target your messaging appropriately.

How do you think we can we do a better job of educating our members about the things we offer that we know they need (because they told us) but that they don’t know we have?

Photo by ian borg on Unsplash

What Do You Reward?

White West Highland terrier wearing a blue neckerchief

Novelty or loyalty?

We’ve all heard the come-ons: Switch your cable/cell/Internet/long distance provider and we’ll give you gifts, or better pricing, or premium services for free, or whatever.

Everybody’s always looking for new customers, right?

Association professionals should know better. But we don’t. We know that a retained member is more valuable than a new member. We know how much more expensive it is to get a new member. We know how important member satisfaction is.

But who gets the goodies?

New members – join now and you get free months, a free book, a free webinar, a free conference attendance, etc.

What if we rewarded loyalty instead?

What if you said: “As a thank you for your committee service last year, please choose any book in our bookstore.”?

What if you offered buy 5 get the sixth for free on your conference attendance?

What if you sent out a letter that read: “Congratulations on ten years of continuous membership! Next year’s on us!”?

How can you show the love to your most loyal supporters?

Photo by Egor Myznik on Unsplash

(Yes, that’s a picture of a dog. What’s the first thing you think of when I say “loyalty”?)

Engaging Today’s Members

Hand holding a smart phone against a sparkly purple background

In one of the breakout rooms in yesterday’s monthly Prometheus Consortium First Tuesday Zoom, we focused on member engagement.

Some of the usual topics came up – member-centric (versus association-centric) engagement, the unassailable math of online community success, specific issues and trends in the particular professions and industries participants’ association serve – but there were a few fresh takes, too.

Make way!

Older members need to make way for younger members, and that’s not always comfortable.

There may be a generational issue here. One participant noted that there used to be a relatively even distribution between age groups, but that seems to have changed. She called out a “missing middle” of people in their 50s, and we talked about the fact that there are just fewer of us GenXers to go around. But that leaves a bigger gap where more experienced members are afraid to trust members who are MUCH younger with big decisions.

Another gap shows up around the issue of being a digital native (or not). Millennials and GenZ are VERY much digital natives and Boomers are not. GenX is the “transition” generation, and we’re not there to translate. Digital natives solve problems differently than their more analogue elders, and that can be challenging as well. Another participant pointed out that the best way to respond to that is to give your digital natives the outcome you’re seeking and then get out of their way on how to get there. You might learn something.

Solve the right problem

When members lapse, it’s really important to understand WHY they are lapsing before you start throwing solutions out. We talked about several scenarios:

  • Members have lapsed because they’re super-busy and forgot or didn’t notice the renewal notices coming.
  • Members have lapsed because the association isn’t communicating member value effectively.
  • Members have lapsed because value is actually lacking.
  • Members have lapsed because they’re actively upset about something the association is – or is not – doing.

If you think you’re, for instance, solving a communications problem when it’s actually a value problem, your retention and reinstatement efforts will be ineffective (you’re just trying to sell me on something I don’t use or want). Likewise, if you think members are upset but they’re actually just over-booked, you’re going to provide the wrong solution, and maybe a costly one (developing new benefits) when a simple tech solution is the real answer (setting up an easy way to sign up for auto-renewal).

What are you doing to ensure there’s space for everyone at your association? What are you doing to ensure you really know what’s going on with your members, current, lapsed, and prospective? 

Photo by Rodion Kutsaiev on Unsplash

Have It Your Way

cheeseburger with all the toppings

Almost 14 years ago, I addressed a question first raised by Jeff Dc Canga:

How will we manage the change from a pre-set package of options (membership) to an individually negotiated exchange of value?

In that original post, I addressed issues of consumer expectations around mass personalization and customization, the concept of “cafeteria” membership, deciding whether or not to gate content, and the necessity of the occasional sacred cow barbecue.

As a commenter on that post put it:

Figuring out the balance between revenue needs, information sharing and the value proposition for membership is key to a vibrant association.


This topic seems to be at the fore again. I’ve recently had several inquiries and some new clients all looking to address their dues structure and value proposition.

I suspect this is another lingering effect of the pandemic. During the pandemic, many associations held the line HARD on dues increases while at the same time adding a bunch of new “included with membership” benefits. Which is totally logical: We were in a MASSIVE economic crisis, particularly in that first year, when then-president Donald Trump was badly mis-managing every single aspect of the public health emergency AND the economic emergency.

However, in the past four years, the situation has improved. Dramatically.

The US economy is now so strong, it’s literally propping up the entire global economy. The rate of inflation is up significantly, something we all feel every time we buy groceries, but job creation is at historic highs (as is the stock market), unemployment is at historic lows (particularly for people of color), and wage gains have outpaced inflation for more than a year.

Meanwhile, many associations are still, from the perspective of what we offer members and customers and what we charge for it, operating as if it’s April 2020.

Admittedly, it *is* hard to start charging for a benefit that’s been included with membership, particularly when that’s been the case now for several years. It *is* hard to raise dues appropriately when you’ve left them alone while inflation is up more than 20%.

All of this, to me, strongly indicates that it’s time, maybe past time, to examine your membership model.

  • Are your dues structured in a way that makes sense for your profession or industry, not as it was in 2019, but as it now is?
  • Should you shift your basis of dues calculation?
  • Is your basis of dues calculation equitable within your profession or industry?
  • What is your current cost to serve? Are your dues adequate to cover it?
  • What *else* are you expecting dues revenue to cover? Is it appropriate to require members to fund those programs, products, or services as part of their membership?
  • What are your “loss leaders”? Are you confident that’s the right approach for those particular programs, products, or services?
  • What do your members most value and use? What *don’t* they value or use?
  • Should your “included with membership” benefits change?
  • Do some programs, products, and services need to move from “included” to “optional” (with fee)?
  • Have some programs, products, or services outlived their usefulness? Is it time to take out some of those sacred cows?
  • Did you discover some new programs, products, or services as a result of the pandemic economic crisis that were initially intended to be temporary, but have proved so valuable they need to be made permanent? If so, what infrastructure or process changes do you need to make so you can move from “making do” to “this to core to who we are”?
  • Did new audiences find you during the pandemic? What are you doing to learn more about them and their key goals and biggest problems, so you can provide the solutions that generate long-term loyalty?
  • Are you being intentional about what’s available only to members, what’s freely available to everyone, what’s included for members and offered at a fee to customers, and what’s offered at a (differential) fee to both members and customers?
  • Are you still offering a “you can have it in any color you want, so long as it’s black” membership model? That may still be appropriate to your profession or industry. But maybe not.

As I concluded that original post 14 years ago, I don’t have THE answer to these questions. There isn’t ONE answer that fits for all associations (of course, I am available for hire to help you find the answers for YOUR association). But I do know that we need to figure out how to let our audiences have it their way in a way that makes sense for them, meeting their goals and challenges, and also for us, providing the financial stability we need to create those solutions for them.

Photo by amirali mirhashemian on Unsplash

Innovate Now! But How?

lightbulb against a sunrise backdrop

Associations are constantly being urged to innovate, but frankly, in a world of generative AI, venture capital, nanotechnology, medical advances, and big R&D budgets – none of which we have access to on a regular basis – that constant drumbeat of “innovate…innovate…innovate” can feel more than a little intimidating. It can even seem impossible.

The thing is, your association is never going to be Apple or Amazon. And that’s OK. You don’t have to change the world for everyone to have an impact on someone.

So if the association community is unlikely to discover an abundant, non-carbon-based, renewable energy source or find the cure for cancer or bring peace to the Middle East or create the next iGottaHaveIt device, what can we do? Where is our ground for innovation?

It’s right under our noses: membership and volunteerism – the two things we, as a community, can lay claim to owning.

And the thing is, we NEED to innovate in both of these areas, because they’re key to our operations and they’re in the midst of being subjected to some pretty powerful forces.

It seems to me that the current association model, particularly as relates to membership and volunteering, is an artifact of its creation by the Boomers. Membership is often a one-size-fits-all prospect, with lots of “good of the order” stuff, well, stuffed in there, whether or not a given member wants it or wants to support it. That lets us get away with pricing at least some of our offerings below what they actually cost us to produce, artificially inflating demand, which in turn, makes it hard to kill things that maybe should die.

Several years ago, John Graham gave a keynote at the Association Foundation Group’s national conference in which he pointed out that the association model is predicated on only about 25% of our members taking advantage of any given service that’s offered to them. The point he was making was that associations would be completely unable to support 100% of our members taking 100% advantage of 100% of their benefits, at least at current staffing and other resource levels. And he was right.

But another thought occurred to me: That means that, for any given benefit you offer to members, 75% of them don’t want it, and yet they’re paying for it. And we wonder why we have a hard time articulating our value proposition!

In short, we’re inundating our members with too much irrelevant crap.

No wonder they “don’t pay attention!” (how often have you said that?) They aren’t interested in 75% of what we keep insisting on telling them about – no wonder we can’t get their attention about the 25% that actually matters to them.

Our current models are out of synch with the reality of consumer experiences. We’ve all been trained to expect mass personalization and customization, on-demand services, paying only for the pieces we want and opting out of the rest (including opting out of paying for the rest), the sharing economy, and freemium models.

We need to be thinking seriously, innovating seriously, about how that affects the membership model NOW. Hell, we needed to start thinking about this yesterday.

Those same dynamics affect volunteering just as strongly (if not more so) than membership. Your next generations of volunteer leaders don’t have time to participate in never-ending committee meetings that don’t actually accomplish anything. They aren’t interested in having to “pay their dues” in scut work to “earn” a leadership position. They want opportunities that fit into their lives and that are targeted to their skills and experiences, not years of waiting to “win” a prestigious role by attrition, aka being able to outlast the competition.

Associations, and nonprofits more generally, REQUIRE volunteers to operate. But if we can’t innovate around what we offer and our expectations and put together a model that fits with the realities of life in 2024, there will be no one to do those jobs.

What are you doing to address these forces and how they will affect the building blocks of your organization? 

Where else can associations look to innovate?

Photo by ameenfahmy on Unsplash

Velvet Rope or Come Party with Me?

group of people at a Holi celebration throwing gulal

Scene one: I’m in New Orleans on vacation wandering down Frenchmen Street in Faubourg Marigny looking for a good place to hang out and hear some tunes on a Wednesday night. First stop: the Spotted Cat.  It was so packed I couldn’t get in the door (literally), so I hung out on the sidewalk with a WIDE mix of characters (and nobody does “characters” like NOLA) for a while enjoying the music wafting out…for free. At the band break, I decided to move on, and down the street, I heard the sweet strains of Shamarr Allen’s trumpet pouring out of Cafe Negril. There was a short line, as the guy at the door struggled to keep up making change for the $5 cover when everyone kept handing him $20s. When I got inside, the crowd ranged from middle aged and older white people to hipsters from the neighborhood to a “professional hugger” from Austin (Keep Austin Weird!) – all ages, all races, all styles of dress, everyone just hanging out and grooving to the Underdawgs. Vibe? Awesomesauce, even before the generous pour, reasonably priced cocktails.

Scene two: One of my spouse’s co-workers moonlights as a DJ in DC. He was spinning at a chi-chi lounge on a recent Saturday night, and we thought we’d swing by and see him. So we roll up only to spot a velvet rope, two scowling bouncers, and a LONG line. Vibe?  B-A-D BAD.  And totally unwelcoming.  And definitely *not* groovy.

So what’s the connection to associations?

  • What does your organization look like to an outsider?  Not someone on staff, not someone who’ s been a member for a million years, not someone who’s served on your Board – someone who doesn’t know you at all but might be interested in what you provide?
  • Are you welcoming to everyone or only to the “right” people?
  • Do you make it easy for people to get access to what they want and need, even if they aren’t an “insider”?
  • Do you let people participate at the level they want to, even if that’s the equivalent of standing on the banquette outside the club just grooving to the great tunes for free?
  • What’s your barrier to entry?
  • What’s your association’s reputation in your industry, profession, or community?
  • Are you affordable to people of lesser means or lower professional stature who might benefit from what you offer?

In short: Are you groovy or snooty?

Photo by Adam Whitlock on Unsplash

What if associations decided that sometimes, telling a member ‘no’ is an acceptable practice?

white "NO" on black background

What if (perish the thought!), we actually told members NO?

I actually suspect that most associations already do this, but we do it in the wrong way. We say “no” all the time. Only it’s called, “That’s against association policy.” Which, aside from “we’re out of bourbon,” might be my least favorite four words in the English language.

You know what “that’s against association policy” REALLY means?

  • “I’m only line staff – I’m not actually empowered to decide anything.”
  • “I don’t want to/feel like it.”
  • “Member service isn’t my job.”
  • “Some day, far in the dim, dark past, someone decided that we don’t that. I don’t know why. Just because.”
  • “We have always done it that way.” (my least favorite seven words in the English language, other than “by the way, also out of chocolate.”)

Members are absolutely NOT always right – they know the industry/profession, you know how to run your organization – but what if every request was considered on its merits, rather than whether or not it’s “against” some random policy that some person put in place some time ago for reasons known only to him? What if ALL levels of staff were allowed, even encouraged, to make decisions? What if we really measured what we’re doing on “does this serve the members?” (Not just *this* member, all members – which can help resolve conflicts when a member asks for something that would be bad if universalized.)

Giving every staff person the ability to make decisions implies that sometimes she might say no. Which means it’s really important to know how to say no in the right way.



“Because I said so.”

Not the right way to handle members.

“We can’t do X (and there better be a reason other than “Because you were mean to me and I don’t feel like helping you”), but we do want to make this right. What about Y instead?” Or “I can’t do that, but what else can we do to make this right?”

Get the member involved in producing a solution, and you’ll get her mind off the fact that you just said no to what she asked for and on to the fact that you’re working with her to resolve the situation. Detractors can become your most passionate fans/evangelists *if* you handle them right.

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

What if associations required every staffer to cold-call one member each week just to connect and listen?

orange old-school rotary phone on a wooden desk

I am reupping this post from 2009 with only minor edits, because every word of it remains true.

What if EVERY staff member had to talk to members on a regular basis?

Despite the existence of the idea “Membership is Everyone’s Business,” too often, it’s really not. Membership retention, for most organizations, is the business of the membership department. If retention goes down, the membership staff gets blamed, even if the reason people are leaving is because, for instance, they hate the monthly magazine. Or they’ve decided to focus their energies on their local chapters. Or they’re organizing online. Or the annual meeting’s gotten too expensive. Or whatever.

(And, while we’re on it, why are we always so concerned with affixing blame? It’s pointless. It stifles innovation, because people think “cover your ass” not “come up with and try amazing new idea.” And it wastes time and mental energy that would be better spent FIXING the PROBLEM. But I digress…)

I was hired for my first association job as Director of Member Services and Technology not because I knew anything about associations or management, but because I was from the profession, and the executive director figured I’d empathize with the members. And she was right. And that was great, as far as it went. Which was as far as one staff person – me. Not far enough, by a long shot.

We all talk about the idea that we exist to serve members, meet their needs, and help them solve their problems. But most of us have no real idea what those things are. We do annual satisfaction surveys and listen to and repeat conventional wisdom and swear that we’ve been doing this long enough to know every little thing about our members, their industry or profession, and what’s best for them.


You know the easiest way to find out what people want and need? Ask them. And not in some Likert-scale driven survey way.

“Hi there, Member. This is Elizabeth calling from Association. If you have a few minutes to chat, I’d love to find out what’s going on in your professional life, and if you have any questions or comments about what’s we’re up to here at Association.”

What do you get? Information, sure, but also connection. Community. A source of new ideas. The feeling that the association cares about me. Early warning of problems that might be cropping up, whether in your industry, or related to your association.

And, more importantly, it’s unfiltered. This is not meant to imply ill intent to your membership staff (often the only staffers who have regular contact with members). But everyone filters information they receive through their own mental maps. And someone with a different map might interpret the same data differently.

How would your association benefit from deep understanding of your members, their goals and challenges, and the industry or profession you serve, spread widely across the entire organization? What could you do with that?

Would your members think differently about the association when the renewal notices show up or when they arrive at your annual meeting if they felt connected, not only to other members through the agency of the association, but to the association itself through contact with staff?

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

“It’s About Delight”

pile of smiley face cookies

Seth Godin recently had a sort of silly story about a recent experience at Whole Foods. Which is all well and good. But one thing particularly struck me:

“It’s not about charging less. It’s about delight.”

I want to emphasize that.

It’s about delight.

Stop and think about that for a minute.

I think we don’t focus enough on the concept of creating delight when we’re creating member experiences. We think about being polite on the phone, spelling their names right, getting the renewal invoices out on time, delivering the journals to the correct address, and putting together solid conferences and useful networking events. Tactical, mundane stuff that keeps the association running smoothly, but isn’t exactly earth-shattering.

Everybody knows changing your perspective and seeing things differently can help us come to new, more creative conclusions.

So what have you done not to serve, not to handle, not to shut up, but to delight your members lately?

When – if ever – was the last time you even gave that concept consideration?

What would the world look like for your organization and constituents if delight was your focus?

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash