Partnership v. Membership: ROI

Pile of US $1 bills

Lewis’s latest post in our ongoing, irregular series addresses making sponsorship offerings more valuable to your corporate supporters: understand what’s motivating them, structure the relationship to address their specific business needs, and offer different levels of investment. In short, create clear Return On Investment (ROI).

Which brings us to the ROI of membership, and sharing that ROI with your members.

Calls to calculate and share ROI tend to start from a good place. Someone on your board of directors, or in your membership committee, decides that it would be a terrific recruitment tool. The association provides tremendous value, of course, so if you clearly demonstrate to the members what an incredible value membership in your association is – members get a HUGE list of stuff that would cost MANY, MANY dollars for the low-low price of [whatever your dues cost], they’ll come flooding in.

“That’s a savings of MANY, MANY dollars! They’ll be beating down our doors to save all that money and get all that great stuff!”

Unfortunately, it doesn’t tend to work quite that way in practice.

Calculating and, even more so, sharing ROI is a fraught topic for membership professionals.

[This is different than calculating cost to serve, which you absolutely need to know, and which is absolutely an internal-only metric.]

One, the vast majority of your members do not use the vast majority of your benefits. And if they started to, you wouldn’t be able to function – I guarantee you are understaffed to have every single member taking 100% advantage of everything you provide. Associations are structured for limited engagement by our members.

In one sense, this is OK – generally speaking, a given member is seeking 2-3 key outcomes when she chooses to join your association. You might offer ten distinct member benefits, but she only needs two of them. As long as your association is helping her solve that key problem or achieve that key goal, she’s probably happy.

The problem when you start offering ROI calculations, however, is that you list ALL TEN benefits, adding up to some HUGE number of course, and then she realizes that she’s paying for all ten, even though she’s only using two.

Even worse, what if attaching dollar figures to each of those benefits alerts her to the fact that the dollar value of the two benefits she wants, even as the association assigns it, is less than what she’s paying in dues?

Uh oh.

Two, and relatedly, associations tend to over-value what we’re providing.

“What’s a subscription to our journal worth?”

“Well, if we divide the total cost to produce it by the total number of subscribers, it works out to $7.36 per person.”

“But what about the INTANGIBLE value?”

“It’s one MILLION dollars!” (in Dr. Evil voice)

When we start getting into ROI calculations, we REALLY REALLY want to be able to show a HUGE number for value to make whatever we’re charging in dues look infinitesimal by comparison.

That’s totally understandable, and in fact, a subscription to your journal probably really is worth way more than $7.36.

But our members are not stupid, and when we put our thumbs too heavily on the value side of the scale, they can smell the BS.

We’re particularly bad at valuing intangible benefits, like the connections that people make because we provided an environment where they could happen, or the insights gained in the hallway conversations at events, or knowing just who to call at 4:57 on a Friday afternoon when you have a business emergency that must be solved immediately, because your and her involvement in the local chapter has allowed you to build the type of relationship where you know she’ll pick up and that she can help you.

What’s that worth?

It’s priceless (with apologies to MasterCard).

So what am I saying?

One, if possible, avoid creating an ROI calculator or attaching direct dollar values to particular member benefits. It rarely ends well.

Two, when you’re thinking about ROI or ROE or engagement scoring, remember that you can’t put a dollar value on everything. We’re dealing with humans and relationships here – not just transactions. And some of what your members most value about their relationship with the association, and the relationships they’ve built and the doors that have opened for them because your association created that space, may be invisible to you, but that doesn’t mean it’s not real.

In his next post, Lewis is going to dig more deeply into the ROI of corporate partnership and sponsorship. Spoiler alert: it functions a little differently than the ROI of membership.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash



Membership Q&A: Call or Text?

grey rotary telephone

Let’s say you’re over email and want to take your welcome, retention, and/or renewal communications to the next level.

Should you call, or should you text?

Well, who are your members? What generations are represented and in what quantities?

It’s not just your imagination – Millennials and GenZ genuinely do prefer text to voice calls, by pretty significant majorities (in the US, nearly 3/4 prefer text). (You can get the full study here.) If your members skew younger, texting is going to feel far less intrusive than calling.

For older generations, Boomers in particular, the reverse is true. They are less comfortable in that medium and may find texting from people who aren’t intimates (family and close friends) inappropriate.

What if, like many associations, you members are a mix of generations?


Call your Boomers – and maybe your Xers, too, who according to the doctoral dissertation study referenced above are the generation most likely to be texting frequently with a spouse or life partner (that may be because they’re the current “sandwich” generation).

Text your Millennials.

Bonus question: Who should make the call?

We tend to default to asking members to call members. It seems like an easy and fun volunteer ask, a good job for your membership committee or even ad hoc volunteers: Can you give us 10 minutes to call a new member in your area, welcome her to the association, and tell her a few things you value about your membership?


I was just on a webinar today hosted by Engage Software and presented by Smooth The Path’s Amanda Kaiser. She had conducted a research study with Dynamic Benchmarking on effective new member engagement practices, the results of which were released last year, and they found that member calls, at least those focused on new member engagement, were most effective when placed by staff, not volunteers.


Their theory is that staff members actually PLACE the calls (which volunteers may neglect to do), and that they tend to be more disciplined about staying on message and can better explain member benefits.

Their study didn’t look at renewal calls, but I always advise clients who plan to call lapsing members to have a professional place those calls, whether that be a staff member or an outsourced telemarketing firm. Calling someone who’s lapsing is too scary for volunteers. Unless the member is lapsing because she forgot, she’s probably unhappy about something, and only staff members or their designated representatives have the authority to fix her problem.

Photo by Eckhard Hoehmann on Unsplash

Membership Q&A: Online Communities?

Group of people sitting next to each other on a stone wall

No, I’m not going to get into which white-label platform you should use – for that, we have ReviewMyCommunity.

Take one step back: white-label or public?

That is, the publicly-available, commercial platforms (LinkedIn, Facebook, and their ilk).

This is a tough one.

The advantage – and it’s a BIG one – of using a public platform is that your members are already there. They already know how to access the site. They already have an account. They already know how to use the site. They already log in on a regular basis.

That’s significant.

Your members are experiencing platform fatigue. They don’t want to create another account whose password they’re going to forget. They don’t want to have to learn another interface. They don’t want to have to remember to check another website. They’re overloaded with information and looking to simplify.

On the other hand, if it’s free, you’re the product.

You don’t pay for that platform which means, as many of us have discovered to our great sorrow over the years, they can change the rules at any time, in any way, with any – or no – warning.

When Facebook first started breaking out from being just a place where college kids and young adults went to “poke” each other and play FarmVille, associations went big on the platform, investing time and resources in developing our organizational pages, and getting good results – fans, likes, driving traffic back to our main websites.

But Facebook couldn’t profit off that exposure, so they changed the rules to decrease organizations’ visibility in our audiences’ timelines. Unless you pay.

Thus began a war of attrition between Facebook and organizations trying to use Facebook for audience outreach, where we start enjoying success that isn’t filling Facebook’s coffers, so they change the rules, so our “reach” drops off, so we either pay the protection money or figure out a way around the new rule changes until Facebook catches up with us and changes the rules AGAIN.

LinkedIn, being the business platform, cut straight to the chase, and for all intents and purposes, killed Groups in 2017. I mean, they still exist, but they’re buried and a lot of the functionality has been stripped. LinkedIn’s energy seems to be going towards having your feed be the locus of interaction (like Facebook), but somehow I don’t think this blog post (which will auto-post to my LI feed) is going to be nearly as compelling as latest viral cat video or meme on Facebook.

You don’t own the data from that platform – they do. Can you download contact information for members of your LinkedIn Group? Nope. You appear to be able to, for Facebook, at least right now and for some types of groups. But that may change in the 15 minutes from when I type this until I hit “publish” on this post. And you don’t own any data, information, insights, etc. that are shared in your groups on either platform.

Additionally, although your members may be on a particular platform, they may not want to be WITH YOUR ASSOCIATION on that platform. You have a better shot here with LinkedIn, of course, but it’s pretty common for people to use the other platforms solely for personal reasons, which means they may not want to connect with you at all, or even if they do, they may not want to interact with your content there.

So why is this even a question? Just get Higher Logic or Breezio or whatever and be done with it.

That’s not that simple, either. Aside from cost issues, there’s a flywheel effect. Getting an online community started from scratch is really hard. In order for people to want to come, there has to be some “there” there, but there won’t be useful content without active contributors.

Chicken and egg? Yep.

I will say, all of the community platform vendors that have been successful in the association space are well aware of this problem, and offer all sorts of resources and guides and tips and assistance to their clients in getting the machine going.

But you still have to assess things like:

Overall size of your audience. Online communities are subject to the 90-9-1 rule. That is, 90% are going to lurk nearly exclusively. Nine percent will contribute occasionally. One percent will be truly active.

Math problem (don’t worry – it’s easy): What’s the overall size of your audience?

If you have 100,000 community members, you’re in good shape – that’s a lot of lurkers, but it’s also 1,000 active contributors and 9,000 occasional contributors, which is PLENTY to generate robust conversation.

Now if your total audience is 1000 – or 500 – or 100 – your white-label online community may NEVER take off. Too few contributors. It’s just math.

Their comfort level with technology, and the user interface and experience of the technology undergirding the platform you choose. All the respected platforms support Single Sign-On (SSO) at this point, but are your members even comfortable with logging into your website in the first place? Are they going to be willing and able to put in the time to learn what your community platform can do? Are they going to be savvy enough not to kill conversation with a constant flood of “me, too” posts? Will the platform allow them to interact in the way(s) they want, which at a minimum should include: website that is responsive design (so it works equally well on a computer, tablet, or smartphone), email, and app?

Their work environments and patterns. Are they people who are online for their jobs or at their jobs? Is that where they go to get advice, or do they turn to the person next to them? Do they like typing responses back and forth on an open platform, or are they more comfortable on the phone – or texting – with individuals or a small, select group?

There’s no one right answer for every association or for every industry or profession. For some, a private community is going to be worth the investment of association resources (not just buying the technology, but also staff time and attention to nurture your new community) and the learning curve for the members.

For some, the drawbacks of Facebook or LinkedIn will be far outweighed by the convenience, ease, and cost (or lack thereof) of these platforms.

Some groups may not benefit from an online community, no matter what the platform – they may be more suited to facilitating one-on-one or small group relationships.

Remember, associations are about community, about groups of people coming together to accomplish things they couldn’t do at all – or at least not as well or easily – on their own. What best helps your particular people achieve that goal?

Know yourself, know your industry or profession, know your members – and don’t be distracted by the new, shiny, hot thing everyone’s fangirling over this week.

Edited to add: The September/October 2019 issue of CalSAE’s The Executive magazine includes an excellent article on just this topic! Check it out!

Photo by Naassom Azevedo on Unsplash




Partnership v. Membership: Prospecting Dos and Don’ts

Elizabeth Engel's pyramid of engagement

In Lewis’s last post in our ongoing series, he shared some great advice on prospecting for corporate partners.

Lewis highlighted DO items, such as:

  • Weed out “dead ends”
  • Understand your potential partners’ business challenges and goals for your audiences
  • Focus on mutual benefit

He also called out time-wasters to eliminate (I love that framing!), such as:

  • Pursuing a company that has no connection to your profession/industry
  • Analysis paralysis (do your research, but don’t get so caught up in it that you forget to start building an actual relationship)
  • Chase pie-in-the-sky partner “suggestions” (Has one of your board members suggested: “Why don’t we go after Apple? They have plenty of money.” Yeah, just don’t. See point one above about connection to your profession/industry.)

I’m going to follow his lead for advice on prospecting members.


Identify REAL prospects

Your universe is not unlimited, and neither are your association’s capabilities. Focus on the people whose problems are most within your association’s wheelhouse to solve and whose goals are most within your association’s wheelhouse to achieve.

How do you know who those people are?

Some of that involves getting clear about your association’s mission and who you serve. Some of it rests on relying on your existing membership community to do some Word Of Mouth (WOM) marketing for you and/or provide some leads and introductions (your corporate partners can be VERY helpful with this). And some of it is trial and error.

This means there’s a logical limit on your association’s membership growth. AND THAT’S OK. You cannot be all things to all people. Hell, there will be problems your CORE MEMBERS have that are outside your ability to solve and goals they want to achieve that are outside your ability to provide. AND THAT’S OK, TOO.

Eliminate this time waster:

Deciding to target people who are engaged in a tangential profession or industry. If I had a dollar for every time a client wanted to do this, I still wouldn’t be able to retire early (but I might if I had $10 for every time).

The problem is, those semi-related people already have a “home” association (whether or not a given individual is currently a member of it), and you aren’t going to do a better job of helping them solve their problems and achieve their goals than that other association that’s specifically and directly dedicated to their profession/industry. Instead of trying to steal that other association’s members out from under them (which likely will not work and which WILL make you an enemy), look for opportunities to partner with that association. That can look like: offering joint membership; hosting co-located meetings; offering each other’s members member rates on programs, products, and services; developing collaborative professional development training; exhibit booth swaps; advertising swaps; collaborative publications; curating each other’s content for your audiences….

PS – even if you do manage to recruit some of those tangential prospects, they will be harder to keep (particularly if you lured them in with a discount offer you don’t intend to maintain), have lower engagement overall, have a higher attrition rate, and have a lower lifetime value than people from your core audiences. Again, there’s a balance to be struck here, but don’t get distracted by the shiny new potential audience and forget your loyal core community.


Create ladders of engagement for prospects

I’ve talked about this many times on the blog, but you cannot ask someone to marry you (join) before you’ve even been out on a date. This is the number one mistake I see clients make – they try to move too fast. The first communication a prospect gets from you shouldn’t be “JOIN NOW” – they have no idea who you are! That level of commitment is WAY too high.

Start by offering something that’s low cost (time, energy, attention, money, commitment). For the people who say yes to that first offer, present something that requires a little more commitment. For the people who say no to that first offer, make a different low cost offer. Pay attention to what people respond to. Lather, rinse, repeat. Once you’ve developed a relationship, THEN ask them to marry your association.

Eliminate this time waster:

Bombarding people who have no idea who you are with increasingly desperate pleas to join. This wastes money and other scarce association resources (like your time), and can burn leads that would have been good and would have converted to membership if you’d just put the time into nurturing them first.


Know when to ask

How do you know that?

I’m so glad you asked!


Paying attention to past behavior can help you begin to predict what may happen in the future.

Look back over all the new members who’ve joined in the past year. What did they do in common BEFORE they joined? How many rungs up the ladder of engagement, on average, did they have to climb before they were ready to join?

Now look for prospects who’ve done at least some of that same stuff, or taken that many steps up the ladder. They might be receptive to your “here’s specifically how our association can help you solve pressing problem X and achieve important goal Y” pitch. And if you’ve done a good job with nurturing that prospect, you’ll know what her specific most pressing problem or important goal is.

Eliminate this time waster:

Throwing all the membership benefits at the prospect all at once to see what sticks. Remember, you’re building a relationship here. That means you should know the person you’re pitching. Don’t pitch your career services at her if she’s just landed her dream job. Don’t pitch your certification at him if he’s nearing retirement – or fresh out of his formal schooling and won’t qualify for five more years. Solve MY problems, not some hypothetical problems that someone in this profession or industry might hypothetically have.

Once you’ve done your research, identified your prospects, and started building those relationships, how do you structure what you’re going to offer them so that, quoting Lewis again, you’re not “continually reach[ing] out to the same prospects repeatedly asking for funding”? Lewis is going to address that in his next post.


Membership Q&A: How Long Should Our Grace Period Be?

Elephant trunk reaching out to take a carrot from a person's hand

Ah, the grace period, the bane of the membership profession’s experience. Should we have a grace period at all? How long should it be?

I will admit to being a hard-ass about grace periods. My preference is none. If your membership lapses on July 31, 2019, then your access is cut off as of 12:01 am August 1.

Remember how I recently wrote about rewarding the behavior you want to encourage? Well, we definitely want to encourage members to renew on time, and not offering a grace period is the “stick” side of the carrot-or-stick equation. “Renew on time or else you’ll lose something of value to you.”

BUT (there’s always a but)

This “no grace period” approach works best in individual membership associations with relatively low dues where the members access online resources frequently and where online payments can be processed in real time.

When I try to log on to get access to a member community, resource library, training webinar archive, or online publication that I use all the time at 9:15 am on August 1 and get the message that I can’t because my membership has lapsed, there’s a good chance I’ll pull out my credit card and pay my $100 or $200 dues right then, particularly if I know that as soon as I pay, my access will be restored.

It’s an entirely different story for trade associations, where decision-making about paying dues is more complicated than “I pull out my credit card and pay,” where dues amounts are higher, where dues processing takes days or even weeks to complete (when you include the member side of the process), and/or where it may take members weeks or even months to notice that they have lost access to member benefits.

Per Marketing General’s most recent (2019) edition of the Membership Marketing Benchmarking Report, offering a grace period of 2-3 months is correlated with higher retention rates:

Table correlating grace period lengths with average retention rate





(Chart from page 38 of MGI’s 2019 Membership Marketing Benchmarking Report)

It’s important to remember that correlation is not causation. The grace period is not necessarily what’s causing the associations that responded to the survey to be more likely to have retention rates above 80%. Some third factor could be causing them both (perhaps efficient and effective internal processes?), or they could be completely unrelated.

If experience demonstrates that your members are likely to renew (you *are* tracking your renewal rate over time, right?), but that some of them just tend to renew a little late (you *are* tracking who those regular scofflaws are, right?), there’s no good reason to create extra – and artificial – churn, particularly if restoring access to benefits isn’t an instantaneous flip of a switch.

But pay attention to your data.

If you have a LOT of members who renew late – or a set of members who ALWAYS renew late – it’s worth asking why that’s happening.

Are you creating the problem yourself? For instance, your members are HVAC contractors and you renew on an April or October calendar year, aka during their busiest times of the year, when people are first turning on their cooling or heating systems and discovering they aren’t working. Maybe shift to a December calendar renewal deadline.

Are you creating incentives for bad behavior? For instance, you regularly offer a discount or special deal to members to come back after they’ve lapsed and they’ve learned that you do that, so they wait for it. Maybe offer that discount or special deal ONLY to members who renew on the first notice.

As always, one size fits, well, one, so test different options, pay attention to what happens, and choose the option that the data points to.

Photo by Waldemar Brandt on Unsplash


Membership Q&A: Calendar v. Anniversary Renewals?

open desk calendar

Which is more member-centric?

In most cases, an anniversary renewal cycle – that is, I renew at same time as I joined (or renewed) last year – is going to make the most sense to your members. My annual membership starts when I pay, and I get 12 months of service for my dues.

A calendar renewal cycle is generally seen as association-centric. We renew everyone at the same time, on a cycle that’s driven by our business needs (often tied to the association’s fiscal year). But calendar cycles can be hard for members to understand – and hard for you to explain. Why did I pay for 12 months, but get less than 12 months of service? What happens if I join mid-way through the year? Why are you sending me renewal notices right away – I haven’t even gotten all your welcome cycle communications yet? I renewed four months late, and my access to benefits had lapsed, and now I’m only getting eight months of benefits, yet I still had to pay full price? UNFAIR!

Anniversary cycles are a lot of work for association staff – you’re running renewals all the time, every month, and more than one cycle at a time. In the same month, you could be running as many as six different overlapping cycles, with notices from first notice to exit survey going out to different groups of members all at the same time. It does take a little dues revenue pressure off – it’s not one all-or-nothing shot to get everyone in for the next year – but it’s a lot to manage. And it makes calculating overall renewal rates a little more complicated – you have what feels like a constantly moving target you’re trying to hit, and the campaign never really ends.

Calendar cycles are neater. You can prepare all your materials in advance, they’re easier to track, and it’s easier to keep everyone (including non-membership department staff and volunteers) focused because it’s ONE campaign that has a designated, official start and end date.

If you’re trying to be member-centric, it seems like anniversary renewal cycles would be the clear winner, right?

There’s a caveat.

What size is your membership team? For what size membership? 

On Tuesday, I once again facilitated the Membership Development class for ASAE’s Association Management Week. In our module on renewals, one of the participants asked precisely this question: “Which is more member-centric: anniversary or calendar renewals?”

Her association uses anniversary renewals, in part due to the conventional wisdom that they are more member-centric, but she was representing a very small membership team. So small, in fact, that they had little time to do anything else other than run all those overlapping renewal campaigns. They didn’t have time to do relationship-building work, or focus on member engagement, or think about how to provide solutions for their members’ biggest challenges, or uncover their members’ most important goals and match those members up with the programs, products, and services that would help them achieve their goals.

They were completely consumed with the process – renewal – to the exclusion of being able to focus on the goal – retention, and the authentic connection and sense of community that drives it.

She asked the room for advice. The best we could give her, absent being able to hire more staff, was to automate and outsource as much as possible of the renewal process (which might include, if their tech can support it, allowing members to sign up for auto-renewal) so she and her team could direct at least a little of their attention to those bigger-picture goals and get off the hamster wheel of “what notices need to go out today?”

I would argue that, if the process of anniversary renewals is consuming all your membership team’s time and attention, it might, in fact, be MORE member-centric to flout the conventional wisdom.

Photo by Eric Rothermel on Unsplash

Partnership v. Membership: What Behavior Do You Want to Encourage?

Dog getting a treat

That question is not rhetorical.

Corporate membership can be complicated. To being with, there are at least two main types:

  1. Companies that are your core audience (i.e., trade associations’ typical members).
  2. Companies that are NOT your core audience (i.e., the suppliers who often comprise the associate members).

Even in the “are your core audience” arena, things get complicated. Individual/professional membership associations almost always want to offer some sort of company/institutional membership, particularly in fields where it’s common for employers to pay individual members’ dues. Those types of “corporate” memberships are usually more along the lines of group discounts – sign up four staff members and get the fifth for free, buy a ten-pack of memberships that you can distribute among your staff and get a deep discount, we’ll give you 10% off if you handle all the individual memberships at your company on one renewal notice and pay them all at the same time, etc.

(On the trade side, it’s also usually the case that associations look for ways to involve as many people in the organization as possible, both in order to provide value commensurate with what are often hefty corporate membership fees and also to provide an insurance policy in case the key membership contact at that company leaves. If she’s the only person your association has had a relationship with and she sells/retires/takes another job, you might lose that member.)

However, thinking just about the associate/supplier members and what those memberships might entail by way of benefits, you have to ask yourself: What behavior do you want to encourage?

First let me point out that I am a BIG fan of the style of corporate relationships Lewis promotes, getting away from $500 to get your logo on the lanyards, $1000 to get your logo on the conference bags, or $1500 for a full-page ad in the magazine, and moving to a $50,000 customized year-round relationship that might include lanyards and bags and ads if the corporate partner happens to care about that stuff, but is fundamentally shaped by everyone’s larger goals.

In thinking about offering supplier membership, however, you have to think carefully about the points Lewis raised in his most recent post:

  • What is your association trying to accomplish in allowing suppliers to be members?
  • What are suppliers trying to accomplish that would be better served by membership than some other type of relationship?
  • What are your core members’ goals with regards to their relationships with suppliers, and what structure best accommodates those?

The answer to those questions may or may not include membership for those suppliers.

Quoting from my previous post in this series:

 Some suppliers want long-term loyal relationships with the association and are deeply invested in the overall good of the profession or industry you serve. They may have aligned advocacy or other interests and can be powerful partners in achieving your association’s mission. They don’t JUST want to sell. They are potential candidates for supplier membership.

In my previous post, I had already outlined some of the things you need to consider in structuring supplier membership. But if you’ve decided that you want to offer BOTH supplier membership AND corporate partnership, you need to make sure that you are providing incentives for and rewarding the behavior you want to see.

Do you want a supplier to pay $500 for membership, or $50,000 for a partnership?

That’s what I thought.

(Although do remember, those large scale partnerships may not be in every supplier’s budget, and even if they are, you likely need to provide lower-price entry points where they can try you out before they will be willing to make a large-scale financial commitment.)

At a minimum, you probably want supplier membership to be a standard component of your corporate partnerships. But you’re going to have to delicately balance what programs, products, services, and opportunities are available to supplier members versus what’s reserved for corporate partners if you want firms to be writing those big checks and be WANTING to write those big checks because what they’re getting in return helps them achieve their goals in your market.

What that looks like is going to vary for every association. Which is why I’m going to, once again, urge you to talk to your supplier supporters to learn what goals they’re trying to achieve in your market, what problems they’ve encountered on the way that they’ve been unable to solve on their own, and what your association can do to help them. And then you’re going to have to make some choices about who gets access to what.

But let me provide a concrete example of what that might look like, one I talked about in my previous post: advocacy support.

Supplier members are often just as concerned about your industry’s regulatory environment as are your core members.

How do you structure who gets to do what in a way that both provides value at the membership level and also encourages stepping up to partnership for those who are able?

What that might look like is:

  • Your supplier members participate in your legislative action network, but only your corporate partners have the opportunity to serve on your policy committee.
  • Your supplier members are invited your fly-in, but only your corporate partners are invited to a VIP event with your board of directors at that fly-in.
  • Your supplier members participate in your lobbying training prior to your Hill meetings, but only your corporate partners get to speak from the podium during the training event.
  • Etc.

The bottom line is: you need to make sure that you are providing value for your supplier members for a variety of reasons, not least of which is that not every supplier is going to be able to afford corporate partnership, but you also need to make sure that the corporate partnerships provide enough additional value to justify their cost in the minds of the people writing the checks.

Now that we’ve got our theoretical framework built and have had a chance to consider what partnership is, what membership is, and how those pieces might relate to each other, it’s time to start talking tactics, the first of which Lewis will address in his next post: How do you find potential corporate partners? How do you nurture those relationships?

Photo by McDobbie Hu on Unsplash

Partnership v. Membership: Is There a Membership Role for Suppliers?

Henry Ford quote - people can have the model T in any color they want, so long as it's black

In my previous post in this series, I concluded with the question:

What role, if any, does supplier membership play in this ecosystem?

Lewis responded with a strong statement that suppliers should NOT be association members, because they have “divergent interests and motivations” for their relationships with your association.

I would argue that there is, or at least can be, a role for supplier membership. Lewis actually highlighted the reason why – “shared interest in regulatory or legislative issues.”

Some suppliers are merely looking for customers and want to maintain a limited relationship with the association. They are good candidates for advertising, exhibiting, and event sponsorship, but NOT for membership. Some suppliers want long-term loyal relationships with the association and are deeply invested in the overall good of the profession or industry you serve. They may have aligned advocacy or other interests and can be powerful partners in achieving your association’s mission. They don’t JUST want to sell. They are potential candidates for supplier membership.

Additionally, people increasingly move fluidly across industries throughout their careers. Someone may start her career as a practitioner, freelance part time while her kids are young, then spend some time with a supplier/vendor in your space. That supplier/vendor might go through merger or acquisition, so she might go back to being a practitioner, and perhaps finish her career as a seasoned consultant, running her own shop, either as a solopreneur or leading a small team. She’s likely going to want to maintain a long-term, loyal relationship with your association throughout. Does that relationship HAVE to be membership? No, but it certainly could be. Should she be denied membership because she’s not currently a practitioner? Absolutely not. Should she be denied access all together when she’s running her own small consulting shop? Again, absolutely not (although she’s unlikely to be an appropriate candidate for “typical” corporate offerings of advertising, exhibiting, and sponsorship).

Again, it comes back to the question: Why do people associate? We associate to solve problems and achieve goals that we can do more effectively as a group than we can individually. Are your suppliers going to share all those goals? Probably not, but they will share some (and even your core members don’t share all the same goals).

Which raises another important point. Per the quote above, you have to beware of the Henry Ford issue: You can’t just offer your supplier members the exact same package of benefits as core members. As Lewis points out, they have DIFFERENT interests and goals. (Honestly, you really shouldn’t be doing the “any color you want so long as it’s black” style membership even with your core members, but that’s a separate topic.)

How do you know what those are? How do you know what benefits would be appealing to supplier members?

You have to talk to them to find out. 

As you’re having those conversations, keep the following in mind:

  1. Suppliers need your help to understand their customers’ (your members’) operating environment. For instance, the CFA Institute runs a free online program called Investment Foundations that is designed to help people who aren’t Certified Financial Analysts understand what’s involved in being a CFA and why the certification, which is expensive in time and cost and is difficult to earn, is worth investing in. Your suppliers might appreciate something similar for your profession or industry (and the Investment Foundations program does double-duty, helping the staff members of CFA Institute’s 150+ world-wide chapters better understand their members, too).
  2. Board service is likely to be a sticking point. Your suppliers will likely want to be involved in the volunteer leadership of your association, but board service may not be the best place for that to happen, as they may start pushing an agenda and interests that are peripheral to those of the core membership. There are other ways to deal with this, though. You can reserve one board seat (maybe even a non-voting position) for your suppliers. You can create a special supplier council or advisory group. You can encourage your suppliers to participate in the existing standing committees that are appropriate (ASAE’s Technology Section Council is an excellent example of this). You can make them formally part of your advocacy team.
  3. Supplier membership can be a great entry-point for small firms in your profession or industry that can’t afford pricey exhibit booths or sponsorships, like the solopreneur consultant mentioned above.
  4. Supplier membership needs to be considered in light of your larger revenue and engagement goals. You’re still going to want to offer sponsorships and partnerships, likely at much higher dollar levels than membership, so you need to think carefully about how you construct all those programs so as not to cannibalize yourself (i.e., make sure your programs don’t unintentionally provide incentives for a large-scale corporate partner to downgrade to supplier membership only).

Lewis and I have both alluded to the idea of corporate partnership in our posts so far, but we haven’t really delved into what that is and why it matters, so Lewis is going to address that in his next post.

Image found here.

Partnership v. Membership: Defining Terms

Four quadrant matrix - association membership versus corporate partnership

Lewis and I are both going to take a crack at this topic, and I’ve elected to go first.

I see partnership and membership as being founded on the same broad idea: individuals or organizations that seek some type of a relationship with an association. Whether they are individuals, companies, or other types of institutions, they have problems they can’t solve, or goals they can’t achieve, all on their own. So they’ve decided to associate in order to do those things more effectively than they can in isolation.

However, that desire for relationship can be expressed in a variety of ways.

The people who are engaged in the work of your profession or industry are coming to your association to solve problems and achieve goals that are – or at least should be – core to your mission. They need to get jobs in your field, improve their skills and networks in your field, and then get better jobs in your field. They need you to provide or point them to the education that will help them do that. They need you to uphold standards in your profession or industry and potentially discipline those who violate them. They need you to organize efforts to advocate on behalf of their profession or industry in their state houses and on Capitol Hill. These core constituents can be individuals, as is the case in professional societies, or companies/institutions, as is the case in trade associations.

Your suppliers are coming to your association because they need to connect with your core constituents. They need to establish themselves as trusted partners to your members, resources that can provide the services and solutions your members need to run their businesses, or operate in their professions, successfully. One piece of that is access. Another is the “glow” that being affiliated with your association can provide. They’re also looking for the opportunity to demonstrate expertise, whether formally through things like conference presentations, research projects, “how to” guides, and white papers, or informally through interacting with your members. These suppliers are most frequently companies of some sort, although they may be very small companies, as is the case with consultants to your industry.

The way I see it, there are two key distinctions to be aware both, both expressed in the matrix above.

One describes the relationship the person or organization has with the profession or industry your association serves. Is that person/entity engaged in the practice of the profession or industry (core), or does that person/entity seek to serve people who are engaged in the practice of the profession or industry (supplier)?

The second describes the relationship the person or organization has with your association. Is it short-term and transactional or long-term and loyal?

Some of the people who are in your core audience, those who practice your profession, only need a transactional relationship with you. They’re your customers. In fact, even those who become long-term, loyal, highly engaged members will probably start out as customers. They need to date you before they decide to marry you. And some may choose to stay at the dating/customer level, and that’s OK. You don’t have the capacity for every single person who practices the profession your association serves to be maximally involved. This core audience can be comprised of individuals, institutions/companies, or a combination.

Likewise, some of the suppliers that serve your industry only need – or can only afford – a transactional relationship with you in order to achieve their goals with your membership community. They are likely to be your advertisers (website, magazine, enewsletter) and conference exhibitors, or sole practitioner/small shop boutique companies who can’t afford a large-scale relationship. They have narrowly defined goals for your industry, and they can achieve those goals through transactional relationships (or that’s all they can afford).

Some suppliers are going to have larger or deeper goals for your audience, and deeper pockets. They are your candidates to upgrade, from advertiser/exhibitor to sponsor or even partner.

What role, if any, does supplier membership play in this ecosystem? You’ll have to check out Lewis’s response post to find out!

Partnership v. Membership: Untangling the Knot

pile of tangled blue ropes

I’m excited to announce a new blog series I’ll be writing with Lewis Flax, the founder of Flax Associates, a consulting firm that helps nonprofits support their objectives through establishing mutually beneficial partnerships with corporations.

In the coming weeks and months, Lewis and I will be looking at various aspects of association membership, sponsorship, and corporate partnership.

Properly structured, these three types of relationships can inter-relate and support each other, helping all the parties (members, suppliers, and the association) solve their problems and achieve their goals.

Unfortunately, these relationships are often structured at cross-purposes, with siloed departments being given goals that, at best, don’t complement each other and, at worst, are in direct opposition, leading to competition and conflict between departments, rather than one high-functioning team all working together to achieve the mission of the association.

Lewis and I have conceived of this series as an ongoing conversation between two association pros coming at this sometimes contentious topic from slightly different perspectives, one in which we’ll help our colleagues untangle the mess and achieve harmony among their staff members in different departments and among their members and the suppliers who serve the profession or industry those members engage in.

We’ll be taking on topics like:

  • What is the difference between partnership, membership, and sponsorship? How do they relate?
  • Who are appropriate prospects for supplier/corporate relationships? How do you find and nurture them?
  • How do you structure corporate relationships so that they’re to everyone’s benefit?
  • How do you educate your board of directors about the differences in types of corporate relationships?
  • How do you deal with internal conflict and departments with conflicting goals?
  • What is the ROI of corporate relationships? How do you show it?
  • How do you retain corporate partners? How do you increase the scope of those relationships over time?

What questions do you have about the role of suppliers in your profession or industry? Leave them in the comments or email them to ewengel@getmespark.comor,  and we’ll address them in a future post.

(The Membership Q&A series will be going on a brief hiatus while Lewis and I talk about all the ways you can work with corporate supporters to the benefit of them, your association, and your members.)

Photo by Fancycrave on Unsplash