
Climate change and sustainability are increasingly in the news and showing up as a key topic for the association industry. Association execs are realizing that climate change is not just a moral imperative, it’s a business imperative.

To quote ASAE from their well-attended webinar on this topic in May 2023: “Either as part of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives or looking at impact and legacy, associations are increasingly grappling with the role sustainability plays in supporting their work and advancing their missions.”

In The Time is Now: Association Resilience and Adaptation and the Anthropocene Climate Disruption, Shelly Alcorn and I provide a brief overview of data on climate change, address the psychological barriers to action humans face, and bring to bear the concepts of resilience (preparing to bounce back from challenges) and adaptation (learning how to live and work differently) on the specific effects the climate crisis will have on associations’ internal operations, member-facing programs, products and services, and on the professions and industries we exist to serve.

Our goal is to help associations better understand how this “wicked problem” is going to affect our industry and begin preparing to better respond to the challenges that will face us all in the coming years.

The whitepaper also includes:

  • Case studies with the American Association of Geographers, Stand.earth, and the Strata Community Association (our first international case study!).
  • A sidebar on climate change and US national security.
  • Stories of positive change to inspire you.
  • A series of thought questions for you to use to spark discussion with your team.
  • An extensive list of resources in case you want to dig deeper on any of the topics addressed.

Download your FREE copy now!

As always with Spark collaborative whitepapers, it’s 100% free, and you don’t even have to provide any information to download it – you can just have it, no landing on a mailing list you didn’t ask for or having to dodge calls from us.

However, Shelly and I realized that there’s potentially something much bigger here. We’re putting together a true Community of Practice of associations who are ready to lead change. Join us at https://ac3.breezio.com/ – the Association Climate Action Coalition (aka “AC3”) Community of Practice is FREE to all, thanks to the generosity of the Breezio team.

While you’re at it, check out the other Spark whitepapers, too. Remember, they’re free, and you don’t even have to give me your name, email, and firstborn child to get them.

I usually immediately delete any [Collaborate] post that begins with “I’m excited to share” because it almost always leads to a self-serving advertisement.

But when I saw my friend Guillermo Ortiz Zarate and then saw that Elizabeth Engel was  involved as well (full disclosure – I don’t really know Elizabeth but believe she is one of the brightest minds in our community), I had to download and read their white paper [Innovate the Lean Way].

I really recommend every CEO and program director find the time to read it. I think the approach described is elegant and practical.

Glenn Tecker, Tecker International LLC

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All Spark whitepapers are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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